Our lessons

As tutors, we’ve got three key tasks:




Human connection is just as important for us as the exchange itself 

Maybe that’s why we often end up becoming close friends with our students…

The GROWL Framework

Thousands of hours spent learning and teaching languages have taught us a simple truth:

“Learning a language is like planting a tree”

Therefore, we help you build your trunk. On top of it, we make four branches grow evenly…

Become a language DETECTIVE

The only people who become exceptionally good at what they do are those who are curious and thirsty for knowledge.

Take notes, ask questions, check how the concepts you’ve studied apply to the texts, films and conversations you come across.

Get IMMERSED in the language !

The opportunities to increase your knowledge and understanding are infinite. You need only choose which ones to focus on!

Switch your phone to the language you’re studying, join Facebook groups, attend expat meetups or watch a series in the language you’re studying!

You're playing TETRIS, not chess...

It’s important to understand that you’re only competing against yourself. Making mistakes is a necessary part of the process!

If you grasp that you’re always going forward and that errors can be used to become better at this, you can enjoy every single step!

Be like water, my friend...

In an ever-changing world, the most important skill we need to develop is adaptability. Applying this mindset to your learning process implies making the most out of the available resources.

Moreover, create the circumstances that will allow you to bloom. It might be a long but certainly rewarding process!


"Learning a new language allows you to connect at a deeper level. It shows you the world from a different perspective".

Francisco, Founder

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